FACT: Mark Aaron Griffin (Mordecai) of Sar Shalom / Lapid Judaism was jailed & indicted, and then later pled GUILTY to "indecent assault" which was sexual in nature and involved a teenage girl who he took into his home when she was a minor and publicly called her his daughter. The statute he pled guilty to was 22.012 (

He is now on community watch for this. We have court documents to prove this and anyone can access these public documents. His story is similar to that of Woody Allen, who adopted a daughter and then later had sexual relations with her. He met her while she was a minor, along with her mother who was dying of cancer. When her mother finally died, her mother left her teenage minor daughter in the care of Mark Aaron Griffin and his wife. He called his victm his "daughter" many times publicly to the congregation. He fed her and clothed her and sheltered her in his own home while she was a minor. When the teenager turned 18, he started soliciting sexual favors from her.

He was acting as a Rabbi, took an orphan minor girl into his house, and then solicited sexual favors from her as soon as she turned 18 while still living with his wife. He started calling her his concubine and told her that soon she would be his wife.

When everyone found out about his affair, this middle-aged fake rabbi and his wife started blaming the orphan teenager for causing him to fall.

The part that is truly egregious, is that he is making baseless allegations against those of us exposing his fraud and deceit. On his public web page ( he is claiming innocence on all fronts, and twisting the details to cause confusion. He did this to his victim as well, making himself - a middle-aged religous leader - to be the victim - and trying to frame the teenage girl that he took into his house while she was a minor out as the offender. it only proves that he has not repented of his terrible sins. He's worse than an actor, he's a narcissistic liar dressed as a Rabbi.

We were friends with the teenage victim's mother before she died. Our children were friends with her siblings. We knew her while she was a minor before her mother died, and when she was still a minor and moved into his house. This cause is not only important to us because we are also religious leaders protecting the name of Hashem and warning the people of God about wolves in sheep's clothing, but also because this man has hurt people that we love.

If you like following rabbis like this, it's a free country. Fake rabbis can have sex with whoever they want, including orphaned teenagers, while they are already married. It's not a crime in America. You can choose to learn Torah from someone who likes to take sexual advantage of teenage orphans while he is married. We just want you to know the truth about him.

If you prefer the truth, we have compiled a report that contains as much detail as we were given permission to share regarding the sex scandal for which he was arrested and jailed.

We will give access to the report to people by request as long as they agree to the terms, which are put in place to protect the witnesses who have stepped forward to share the truth.

Enter your info and agree to the terms to access the report. You will be redirected to the Gdoc and you will be able to request permission to access the Google document:

Griffin is trying to say we had no financial ties and we were never leaders there. Here are the facts and you can be the judge.

We were one of the financial guarantors of the Sar Shalom building loan and we are friends with the Treasurer and Zaken at that time who can vouch for our financial ties and leadership positions. Griffin is accusing us of saying we were "partners" and "investors", which we never claimed to be. Griffin admitted to exactly what we said, his own words being:

"Her husband was a guarantor on the synagogue's mortgage loan? Yes, from February 2016 to October 2020. Her husband, along with three other men, volunteered to be guarantors on the mortgage. This mortgage was for Sar Shalom synagogue. Being a guarantor means that the person "guarantees" to repay the debt if the corporation fails to be able to pay the loan. In this case, his risk was 25%." The purpose of us mentioning this in the document is to show publicly that it is NOT in our financial interest to cause Sar Shalom, Lapid, or Mark Griffin to fail in his ministry. Because if he fails to be able to pay the loan for the building, we would legally be financially responsible for it. The reason we spoke out nonetheless is because defending the orphan is the godly thing to do, according to Torah.

We taught classes at Sar Shalom and we administered their website. We often hosted Havdalah dinners for members as well. We consider this leadership positions that should only be given to trustworthy people. We are friends with former Zakens and former members that considered us as part of leadership there. But if fake Rabbi Griffin doesn't, that's fine. This is not about us. This is about defending the orphan and warning people of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Don't be fooled by his charm. Don't be deceived by his twisted lies.

If you have sinned against someone, you should seek forgiveness from your victims, reconciliation and restitution for them. And you should not seek it on your own terms, but on their terms, since they are the ones that have been wronged. If instead you are blaming people who have exposed your sin, then you have not really made teshuva. It is Hashem that has caused these things to come to light, because he wants you to repent and live! And until you repent, He wants others to be warned lest you continuing hurting others. Our Creator sees all things. You will reap what you sow.

This website was created because the people who were part of and supported Lapid / Sar Shalom, either locally or online, have been deceived and then silenced. The truth needs to come out, to warn others from falling for his deceptions.

DISCLAIMER: Everything published on this website and the associated document is based on information and belief. If you can prove any part of our message is false, email us and we will gladly remove it.

The leaders have not told the truth about the situation to the public. Instead they initially published a public video that was filled with untruths and cover-ups. Many have left but Griffin and those who stayed with him continue to hide and make excuses for the scandal, and even blame and harass the victim and others for exposing the truth.

If you would like to help get the word out and make a stand for orphans, and fight against injustice and a Hillul Hashem, share this link:

We should clarify that we are talking about the correct person & organization. Mark Aaron Griffin is the legal name of the person also known as "Rabbi Mordecai Griffin" or "Rabbi Aaron Ben Ellis." Sar Shalom is his registered business name, a.k.a. "SS" (a horrible acronym for a so-called Jewish organization). "Lapid" or "Lapid Judaism" is the name of his "movement." His online profiles are:


Are we guilty of violating the laws of Lashon Hara for exposing these immoral "Torah teachers"?

We have, as expected, been wrongly accused of Lashon Hara for exposing predators such as Peter Sander, Mark Griffin, and Tovia Singer. These people don't know Torah or the proper approach to Lashon Hara. False Torah teachers who are abusing women sexually, financially, lying to them, blaming them, and causing them spiritual, mental, and possibly even physical harm are NOT protected by the laws of Lashon Hara. Furthermore, the works of the Chofetz Chaim are frequently misused and abused to defend pedophiles and other sex offenders.

The following resources are to help educate people on a true understanding of Lashon Hara, and remind us all to use common sense - people who are potentially dangerous, spiritually, physically, or otherwise must be exposed if the do not repent and make teshuva.

Rambam's Mishneh Torah states in Deot 6:8, "In regard to matters between one man and another. However, in regard to spiritual matters, if [a transgressor] does not repent [after being admonished] in private, he may be put to shame in public and his sin may be publicized. He may be subjected to abuse, scorn, and curses until he repents, as was the practice of all the prophets of Israel."


From our Breslov Rabbi On Lashon Hara:

I have written frequently about my feelings about Chofetz Chaim's teachings on lashon hara. I DO NOT LIKE THEM. Although he undoubtedly meant well, seeing malicious gossip as a huge problem, he expanded the laws to a point where one is afraid to say ANYTHING. In RAMBAM, the laws of lashon hara consist of eight short paragraphs. Chofetz Chaim made that into many hundreds. He did include the times that we MUST speak evil of others (exposing predators, charlatans, people who pose a danger to others), but he puts so many caveats on these, that most people are afraid to even speak against those who must be exposed; when, in fact, we must speak. The result is that the Orthodox community has become a refuge for every pervert, scoundrel, and criminal, as they know that none will speak. I am very concerned over these issues. Rav Kiwak, once said, "the greatest crimes are committed for fear of speaking lashon hara".


LaShon Hara Against the Wicked by halachic gaon Rabbi David Bar Haim of Machon Shilo

Sefer HaChinuch (236) writes that the prohibition is not relevant if one’s “intention is to remove the threat of damage and resolve a conflict.”

Rambam, Hilchos and Rabbeinu Yona (Shaarei Teshuva, 3:221 Rotze’ah UShmirat Nefesh 1:14) writes that “incidents between man and his neighbor, such as those involving theft, robbery, damage, and the causing of pain, shaming, and wronging with words, may be revealed to others.”

R. Yisrael Isser Isserlin (Pithei Teshuva, Orach Chayim 156) similarly writes: “I want to protest about the even greater and more common sin of refraining from speaking negatively when it is necessary to save someone from being harmed.” R. Isserlin argues that one should always be concerned about the impact of not relating such lashon hara.

Regarding sexual abuse, experience has taught us that perpetrators are likely to repeat their behavior, and there is usually no other means of prevention aside from involving social services and/or law enforcement authorities. Therefore, since the purpose of relaying information relating to sexual abuse is constructive, there is absolutely no prohibition of lashon hara.

Numerous Achronim, including the Sema (399:30) and Shach (399:45), rule accordingly; the latter even writes that one must report and testify in secular court against one who is “ragil lehakot” (a repeat physical abuser).

Some fear that taking action to prevent sexual abuse may cause a chillul Hashem. But communal silence regarding physical and sexual abuse is itself a grave desecration of Gd’s name and brings shame upon the entire community. This phenomenon causes many to lose trust in the community, its leadership, and, ultimately, Gd.

In “Chafetz Chaim: A Lesson a Day” p. 132, Rabbi Yitzchak Berkowitz lists the major categories of constructive purposes for which Lashon Hara may be spoken:
- To influence the subject to improve by discussing his faults with someone who can help him.
- To prevent someone from being harmed by the subject, or help someone who was already harmed by the subject.
- To help end a dispute between individuals which could escalate to the community level.
- To help others learn from the subject’s mistakes.


From the Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA) - Lashon Hara and Sexual Crimes ('derogatory speech, that is true')

Chofetz Chaim (Incest, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault, Clergy Sexual Abuse Professional Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment)

Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor" (Leviticus 19:16).

Table of Contents:

- The Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse of Children

- By Rabbi Mark Dratch

- When Scandal Hits Home

- By Gary Rosenblatt

- Let Them Talk: The Mitzvah to Speak Lashon Hara - By Rabbi Mark Dratch - Informing on Others for Violating American Laws: A Jewish Law Review

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